Our Story
There are three main sections to the program-> Public speaking, debate, and giving back to the community.
Public Speaking
Our team first started by building our base when we started learning about public speaking. Every week, we would be assigned topics to prepare speeches, and then give them in front of each other. Then, we would get feedback and use it to improve our speaking abilities. We spent about two months in this phase of the program, and once we finished this phase, we had a show and tell event to show our family and friends how much we improved our communication skills. We chose our best speeches and gave them at the show and tell.
After building up our public speaking skills, we then moved onto debate. We had a high school mentor come in and mentor us through this phase of the program. We were each given topics and partners every week and prepared with our teammates. Then, we debated every session. We would get feedback from our high school mentor after.
Giving Back to the Community
Finally, our favorite part, organizing the event ourselves to make an impact to the community! It's time to put all our skills into action! The last 2-3 months of the program are focused toward organizing an event. The purpose of organizing this event is to practice using your communication & leadership skills in the real world. Last year, we hosted a virtual talent show and raffle. This year, our team decided to host a carnival. We started meeting two times a week to finish creating this website and our flyers to send out to everyone, and then worked on prepping for the actual event itself. We hope to see you at the event!!!
Of course, nothing is complete without some fun! Throughout the program, our team had numerous fun activities going on. Below are some pictures:)
Our first team building activity ever, hiking!
One of our teammates had her birthday!
We went camping together!
We went to an adventure park and did a rope course!
We also do other volunteering activities to support our community!